
One stop Shop

Last Thursday, 9th February, marked the celebration of the opening of the One-Stop Shop in the municipality of Goes. This is a three-year pilot project in which the Expat Center Zeeland, the Zeeland municipalities, and the IND have integrated their services.

Aldermen Andre van der Reest (Chairman of the Labour Market Region Zeeland) and Stan Meulblok welcomed Levi Ogryzlo from Canada as the first customer of the One-Stop Shop.

Levi Ogryzlo, the first knowledge migrant, went through the One-Stop Shop process at the city office last Thursday. This allowed him to take care of everything for his stay in Zeeland in one go and at a single location. He registered with the Municipality of Sluis, had his biometrics taken, and received practical information about living and working in Zeeland. A flying start!

For the time being, the IND service point is open every Monday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the city office in Goes.

We wish him good luck with his job at Hall Spar BV!

One stop shop

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